Monday, October 29, 2012

As you began researching presidential candidates, you should have covered the topic of education. What is your stance on education after researching President Obama's platform and Governor Romney's platform?


  1. My stance on education is that we need education in order to thrive as a country if we do not have a good educational system then we will fail as a country

    "Don't touch Mah roll tide cup" -Keenum


  2. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.
    -Savannah Coffey

  3. My stance on education is that the most important subjects are math and science, in order for us to have a beeter education on these subjects we must increase the learning on them. President Obama and Governor Romney have two different views on this topic although i personally agree with President Obama, because of the Dream Act that's helping foreign students stay in the U.S. and continuing their education here.

  4. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  5. i think Obama's stance on education is something i would back up, i do not believe in Romney's stance because of his view on vounchers which will cause schools to be set at a certain level causing other schools who couldn't meet up to the standard would be used by fewer students

  6. My stance on education is that the most important subjects are math and science, in order for us to have a beeter education on these subjects we must increase the learning on them. President Obama and Governor Romney have two different views on this topic although i personally agree with President Obama, because of the Dream Act that's helping foreign students stay in the U.S. and continuing their education here

  7. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  8. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas

  9. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  10. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall America needs to expand more on science and math education to be able to keep up with other countries. I like certain points from both. Obama wants to pay schools who are taught to the fullest and I feel the schools should recieve money on that note too. I agree with Romney on the school voucher topic, because its better financially for the family if they are given the chance to possibly save some money off of something they are wanting.

  11. I think that Education has been touched on several policies throught my research ,overall America needs to expan more on science and math education to able to keep up with up with other countries.President Obama and Governor Romney have two different views on this topic although i personally agree with President Obama, because of the Dream Act that's helping foreign students stay in the U.S. and continuing their education .

  12. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  13. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall America needs to expand more on science and math education to be able to keep up with other countries. President Obama and Governor Romney have two different views but I agree more with Obama because of the Dream Act witch is helping so many students finish their education...

  14. I stand for Mitt Romneys views personally I believe in small businesses across America need a brake and need more room to breath instead of being suffocated by the taxation from the Government. I also believe America needs to become more independent instead of dependent relying on other countries to bail us out, Americas economy would flourish with all the manufacturing jos coming back into the united states creating millions of new job openings dissecting the unemployment in half and the debt deprecate.

  15. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  16. US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries. Looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  17. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  18. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall America needs to expand more on science and math education to be able to keep up with other countries. I like certain points from both. Obama wants to pay schools who are taught to the fullest and I feel the schools should recieve money on that note too. I agree with Romney on the school voucher topic, because its better financially for the family if they are given the chance to possibly save some money off of something they are wanting.

  19. Education has been touched on several policies through my research.It has proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  20. I think education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall America needs to expand more on science and math education to be able to keep up with other countries. President Obama and Governor Romney have two different views but I would agree more with Obama because of the Dream Act witch is helping so many students finish their education.

  21. My stance on education is that the most important subjects are math and science, in order for us to have a beeter education on these subjects we must increase the learning on them. President Obama and Governor Romney have two different views on this topic although i personally agree with President Obama.

  22. I stand for Mitt Romneys views personally I believe in small businesses across America need a brake and need more room to breath instead of being suffocated by the taxation from the Government. I also believe America needs to become more independent instead of dependent relying on other countries to bail us out, Americas economy would flourish with all the manufacturing jos coming back into the united states creating millions of new job openings dissecting the unemployment in half and the debt deprecate.

  23. I believe education has been touched on several different policies through the research,We need to expand science and math education to keep up with other countries.I agree more with Obama because he is helping so many students finish college.

  24. I believe education has been touched on several policies through my research, it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's ideas.

  25. My stance on education is that the most important subjects are math and science, in order for us to have a beeter education on these subjects we must increase the learning on them. President Obama and Governor Romney have two different views on this topic although i personally agree with President Obama, because of the Dream Act that's helping foreign students stay in the U.S. and continuing their education here ~kirsten

  26. I stand for Mitt Romneys views I believe in small businesses across America need a break and need more room to breath instead of being suffocated by the taxation from the Government. I also believe America needs to become more independent instead of dependent relying on other countries to bail us out, Americas economy would flourish with all the manufacturing jobs coming back into the united states creating millions of new job openings dissecting the unemployment in half and the debt deprecate.

  27. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  28. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  29. I disagree with both candidates on the subject of merit pay. I don't think teachers should be payed based on how well their students to because some students don't want to learn. I agree with Obama's policy on student loans and I agree with Romney's policy on school vouchers.

  30. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall America needs to expand more on science and math education to be able to keep up with other countries. I like certain points from both. Obama wants to pay schools who are taught to the fullest and I feel the schools should recieve money on that note too. I agree with Romney on the school voucher topic, because its better financially for the family if they are given the chance to possibly save some money off of something they are wanting.

  31. My stance is that the government should give out more vouchers to parents to pay for their child to go to charter schools.

  32. Education and the success of America go hand in hand. Both candidates realize the importance, but have different ideas to give American students the greatest oppertunties. To begin, both partiest support federal accountability standard of the No Child Left Behind law. The Obama administration's Race To The Top has rewarded wommomg states with billions of fderal aid for persuing education polocies Obama supports. Mitt Romney has states that student testing, charter-school incentives and teacher evaluation standards "make sense", but believes federal government should have less control over education. Romney believes federal student aid will encourage tuition to raise as well. He wants to see private lenders return to the federal student loan program. In my opinion, I agree with the stance Mitt Romney has. In theory, if federal student aid increases, then tuition would as well. Due to the fact that the student aid comes from tax dollars. I also believe that less control from federal departments is neccessary in order to have a more efficient educational system. I believe that bare minimum standards, such as teacher evaluation, should be given to the states. I also agree that private sectors need to be involved in student loans. This would obviously generate more financial aid oppertunities. With that in mind, the increased competition would ultimately drive down interest rates, which would benefit the customer.

  33. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall America needs to expand more on science and math education to be able to keep up with other countries. I like certain points from both. Obama wants to pay schools who are taught to the fullest and I feel the schools should recieve money on that note too. I agree with Romney on the school voucher topic, because its better financially for the family if they are given the chance to possibly save some money off of something they are wanting

  34. Being a student that will go to school for seven years to become a pharmacist, I believe that Romney's idea with bringing private business back into financial aid, possibly not completely, but back in to the picture much more. I also believe that the John and Abigail Adams scholarship idea would be very good for each state to take in (even though Romney hasn't said he will encourage this). I don't like how Obama pushes everyone to take part in public education. Fact of the matter is that college isn't for everyone. I disagree with the merit pay scale. I believe that would distract teachers rather than benefit them. In the end, I side with Romney.

    America needs another Raegan.

  35. I really wish college could be free in merica like it is in in other countries. That'd would be a huge relief for a lot of people.

  36. President Obama believes that everyone should have a chance to an education, while Romney believes that if you can't afford to pay for school you really don't deserve a chance.

  37. My stance on education is that the most important subjects are math and science, in order for us to have a beeter education on these subjects we must increase the learning on them. President Obama and Governor Romney have two different views on this topic although i personally agree with President Obama, because of the Dream Act that's helping foreign students stay in the U.S. and continuing their education here.

  38. I think that education is very important so one will be better informed on the world around them, and to find a good job. But, I think that the government should only do so much with the education system as far as making the student work hard in the classroom. the effort given should be the student's choice, while all of the resources to have as much or as little education as one desires should be the government's responsibility.

  39. Education is an extremely important topic in this election. I don't exactly agree with one candidate in particular. I disagree with both candidates in that a teacher should get paid based on how much a student learns. No one student is going to learn like another. I do however agree with Obama on the Dream Act and I also agree with Romney's school vouchers

  40. Education has been touched by several policies through my research, overall it has proven that the US needs to expand science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education is not going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught at the fullest possible, and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense through college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  41. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  42. Education is a very important topic facing this years election. I do not want the Government controlling education and our schools. President Obama doesn't need to push public education. College isn't for everyone and that is okay. I support Mitt Romney on this issue.

  43. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  44. Education is an important topic in this years election.I think education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall America needs to expand more on science and math education to be able to keep up with other countries. President Obama and Governor Romney have two different views but I would agree more with Obama because of the Dream Act witch is helping so many students finish their education.

  45. Araceli Sanchez: Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall America needs to expand more on science and math education to be able to keep up with other countries. I like certain points from both. Obama wants to pay schools who are taught to the fullest and I feel the schools should recieve money on that note too. I agree with Romney on the school voucher topic, because its better financially for the family if they are given the chance to possibly save some money off of something they are wanting

  46. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  47. My stance on education is that the most important subjects are math and science, in order for us to have a beeter education on these subjects we must increase the learning on them. President Obama and Governor Romney have two different views on this topic although i personally agree with President Obama, because of the Dream Act that's helping foreign students stay in the U.S. and continuing their education here

  48. I stand for Mitt Romneys views personally I believe in small businesses across America need a brake and need more room to breath instead of being suffocated by the taxation from the Government. I also believe America needs to become more independent instead of dependent relying on other countries to bail us out, Americas economy would flourish with all the manufacturing jos coming back into the united states creating millions of new job openings dissecting the unemployment in half and the debt deprecate.

  49. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  50. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  51. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.


  52. I disagree with both candidates on the subject of merit pay. I don't think teachers should be payed based on how well their students perform on standardized tests.Some students don't want to learn and some are just terrible test takers. I agree with Obama's policy on student loans and I agree with Romney's policy on school vouchers. Vouchers help parents pay for tuition at private schools.

  53. I disagree with both candidates on the subject of merit pay. I don't think teachers should be payed based on how well their students learn because some students don't want to learn. I agree with Obama's policy on student loans and I agree with Romney's policy on school vouchers.

  54. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas

  55. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall America needs to expand more on science and math education to be able to keep up with other countries. I like certain points from both. Obama wants to pay schools who are taught to the fullest and I feel the schools should recieve money on that note too. I agree with Romney on the school voucher topic, because its better financially for the family if they are given the chance to possibly save some money off of something they are wanting.

  56. I agree with oboma because it is much more to go to college and some people need the aid to go to college to get a better job

  57. Being a student that will go to school for seven years to become a pharmacist, I believe that Romney's idea with bringing private business back into financial aid, possibly not completely, but back in to the picture much more. I also believe that the John and Abigail Adams scholarship idea would be very good for each state to take in (even though Romney hasn't said he will encourage this). I don't like how Obama pushes everyone to take part in public education. Fact of the matter is that college isn't for everyone. I disagree with the merit pay scale. I believe that would distract teachers rather than benefit them. In the end, I side with Romney.
    I agree with John Mayhall. We need another Reagan.

  58. I think Obama has a wider and better view of the education than Romney. I personally like the merit pay idea because then we know us students are getting taught the best possible. I like how Obama wants to also widen our science and math subjects.

  59. My stance on education is that the most important subjects are math and science, in order for us to have a beeter education on these subjects we must increase the learning on them. President Obama and Governor Romney have two different views on this topic although i personally agree with President Obama, because of the Dream Act that's helping foreign students stay in the U.S. and continuing their education here.

  60. I agree with Mr. Obama on his stance of merit pay for teachers. Everyone has the idea that ifthe teacher's student's test scores are low their pay will be docked.. that is not the case. Mr. Obama is only rewarding teachers for teaching at their full potential. Everyone does their best with a little modivation and Mr. Obama realizes this.

  61. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  62. I agr withObama b/c education is important and the schools should not try an compete with the student ability in testing..we need to furthee education on the core classes. We need to help more kids into college.

  63. Education is important beyond most things because school is a milestone in life and I agree with Obama we need to focus on core classes not testing ability.

  64. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall America needs to expand more on science and math education to be able to keep up with other countries. I like certain points from both. Obama wants to pay schools who are taught to the fullest and I feel the schools should recieve money on that note too. I agree with Romney on the school voucher topic, because its better financially for the family if they are given the chance to possibly save some money off of something they are wanting.

  65. I think everyone need an education. it will make life a lot easier. if you dont want to go to collage for a long time just learn a trade. but if you dont graduate it will b hard to find a job that you can support a family off of. so education id very important.

  66. i think Obama's stance on education is something i would back up, i do not believe in Romney's stance because of his view on vounchers which will cause schools to be set at a certain level causing other schools who couldn't meet up to the standard would be used by fewer students

  67. I personally think Obama's stand on education is the best. Obama has said to increase government spending on education. He has also designed student loans that expend collage access to millions of americans.

  68. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall America needs to expand more on science and math education to be able to keep up with other countries. I like certain points from both. Obama wants to pay schools who are taught to the fullest and I feel the schools should recieve money on that note too. I agree with Romney on the school voucher topic, because its better financially for the family if they are given the chance to possibly save some money off of something they are wanting.

  69. I think America needs to expand more on science and math education to be able to keep up with other countries. I like certain points from both. Obama wants to pay schools who are taught to the fullest and I feel the schools should recieve money on that note too. I agree with Romney on the school voucher topic, because its better financially for the family if they are given the chance to possibly save some money off of something they are wanting.

  70. I mostly agree with Obama on his education points. He wants to keep public schools and teachers, while Romney wants to reduce public schools and open charter schools. Not everyone can afford to go to those schools. His solution is a voucher. Where will that money come from? Also, not everyone is smart enough to go to higher schools. Some people are just meant to join the workforce and not being able to do well in school could hinder them. I also agree with Obama on merit pay, to a certain degree. Some teachers simply cannot help that a student does not want to learn or cannot learn. Then again, some teachers really should not be teaching in the first place. However, with Obama my teaching future is more secure so I agree with him.

  71. I believe education has been touched on several policies through my research, it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's ideas.

  72. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  73. I personally don't agree with either candidates on the subject of merit pay. I don't think teachers pay should be based on how well their students perform on standardized test. Some students could care less about it and some are just horrible test takers. I agree with Obama on student loans and with Romney on school vouchers.

  74. I personally don't agree with either candidates on the subject of merit pay. I don't think teachers pay should be based on how well their students perform on standardized test. Some students could care less about it and some are just horrible test takers. I agree with Obama on student loans and with Romney on school vouchers

  75. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  76. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  77. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  78. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

    1. I personally don't agree with either candidates on the subject of merit pay. I don't think teachers pay should be based on how well their students perform on standardized test. Some students could care less about it and some are just horrible test takers. I agree with Obama on student loans and with Romney on school vouchers.

  79. US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries. Looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  80. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall America needs to expand more on science and math education to be able to keep up with other countries. I like certain points from both. Obama wants to pay schools who are taught to the fullest and I feel the schools should receive money on that note too. I agree with Romney on the school voucher topic, because its better financially for the family if they are given the chance to possibly save some money off of something they are wanting.

  81. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas

  82. My stance on education is pretty much the same as Obama's. Romney's private sector idea wouldn't be able to benefit everyone. Along with the Obama's ideas of making college affordable, makes me stand on his side if education.

  83. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  84. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  85. Education has been touched on several policies through my research, overall it's proven that the US needs to expand our science and math education to compete with other countries and that spending on education isn't going to be reduced. Personally, looking into Obama's merit pay for teachers is a good way to ensure students are being taught to the fullest possible and by the most experienced teachers, also Obama has more detailed ways to help reform the expense of college through grants over Romney's private sector ideas.

  86. I disagree with both candidates on the subject of merit pay. I don't think teachers should be payed based on how well their students perform on standardized tests.Some students don't want to learn and some are just terrible test takers. I agree with Obama's policy on student loans and I agree with Romney's policy on school vouchers. Vouchers help parents pay for tuition at private schools.

  87. I disagree with both candidates on the subject of merit pay. I don't think teachers should be payed based on how well their students to because some students don't want to learn. I agree with Obama's policy on student loans and I agree with Romney's policy on school vouchers
